1950's Vehicle Sign

School Textbook Paper Cover 1960's

Post Warden ID
Saginaw County 8
1/2" x 11" Card stock Sign
Sign - undated (found on On-line auction)
Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices For
Streets and Highways U.S. Dept of Commerce Bureau of Public Roads June 1961 Scanned pages below are all about Civil Defense Signs
Classroom Information Mini Poster Still used by Utica Community Schools (Schools are in Sterling Heights, Utica, Shelby
Twsp and Part of Macomb Twsp) Showing
"TAKE COVER ALERT" insted of Tornado Safety instructions. Undated
Air Raid Warden
Mrs. Pontzius
Grand Rapids, MI
Armband, Report,& Booklets
Air Raid Instruction Cards
1940's Vehicle ID Card
"Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow" Stamps
Unused sheet of 50
Doughboy Standee Artwork.
I have an original Standee, but it was bent at the neck.
I reworked the scanned image and lightened it up.
Below is the original scan. I had to scan it twice to get the whole image. You can see the bend at the neck, and how dirty
the image is.
Here's two pic's I retrieved from an eBay auction.
The top picture is a grouping of ID's
The bottom picture is of a Air Raid Warden Service Certificate
City of Detroit
Mayor Edward J. Jeffries, Jr.,
Co-ordinator Detroit Metropolitan Area
Office Of Civil Defense Information Card undated

Civil Defense preparedness / Warning Sounds wallet card
Civil Defense Identification Bracelet package
Your Family Survival Plan 1963
Folded poster type plan/check list.
Comic Book-Al Capp 1956