Fallout Shelter
Analysis Workbook

Printed 1961
Printed 1959
FG-C-8.1 March 1964 Click image below to see all the pages of this booklet
FG-C-8.1 JUNE 1964
Booklet Pictured Below Replaced Booklet
Pictured Above CPG
1-19A November 1977
below is stamped Kalamazoo
City Civil Defense 241 W South
Street C. H. Elliott, Director Robert F. Jenaitis Ass't Director
Books Descriptions
in Orange Font Were Donated by Mr. Newell Michigan State Police Emergency
Management and Homeland Security Division
Shelter Supplies Civil Preparedness Circular DCPA 76-2 Sep 29, 1976 Front
Civil Preparedness Circular DCPA 77-6 Aug 5, 1977 Recommended Procedures for Use of Shelters For Protection from the Effects of Nuclear Weapons
Civil Preparedness Circular DCPA 78-9 June 13, 1978 Shelter Licensing
Shelter Management Handbook DCPA H-16 March 1978
Shelter Management Handbook FEMA P & P-8 February 1981
Shelter Management Handbook September 1981
TR 27 JAN 1965
To Fire Protection Booklets